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300 and 300/15 kN AUTOMAX PRO, Top-of-the-Range Automatic Compression-Flexural Cement Testers

型号:Automax PRO mod.65-L28F12

用途:AUTOMAX PRO is CONTROLS’ new top-of-the-range Compact-Line compression machine and is the first choice for automatic standard failure tests.

标准规范:ASTM C109,EN 196-1,ASTM C348,ASTM C349



These machines, featuring a very rigid four columns frame, have been designed for the testing of the cement prism either in compression or in flexure.
Four versions are available:
models, double testing chamber, 15/300 kN cap., inbuilt flexural jig for 40x40x160 cement prisms and compression apparatus for portions of 40x40x160 mm prisms broken in flexure.
Conforming to EN 196-1, 1015-11.

models, double testing chamber, 15/300 kN  cap., fitted with round platens for testing in compression and flexion cement, mortar, resins and other materials.
Conforming to EN 196-1, 1015-11, ASTM C109, C348, C349 using the suitable accessories.        

models, 300 kN cap., fitted with round platens for testing cement, mortar, resins and other materials and other materials.
Conforming to  EN 196-1, 1015-11, ASTM C109, C349 using the suitable accessories.

models, 300 kN cap., fitted with round platens for testing cement, mortar, resins and other materials featuring increased vertical and horizontal daylights.
Conforming to  EN 196-1, 1015-11, ASTM C109, C349 using the suitable accessories.

All models are fitted with high accuracy load cell/s or load measurement.

Models fitted with compression platens 165 mm dia. (65-L28F1x, 65-L18F1x) have a vertical span of 200 mm hence can house all standard accessories for cement and mortar testing (see accessories) and furthermore can be used to test other specimens directly on the standard compression platens adjusting, if necessary, the vertical daylight, with the suitable distance pieces (see accessories).
Model 65-L38F1x features increased vertical and horizontal dayligths to allow different kind of test, for example it's possible to perform flexural test on concrete beams with suitable accessory.
Compression platens can be supplied complete with Platen surface hardness certificate.

Automax PRO, Automatic power and control system 
See technical specifications.

Safety features
Includes: Max. pressure valve to avoid machine overloading; piston travel limit switch; emergency stop button; front door and rear transparent fragment guard on request.

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