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EPC Products Education Educational Food Technology FT27 CentriPeel Centrifuge
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FT27 CentriPeel Centrifuge


Use:The all stainless CentriPeel centrifuge is a solid bowl type separator designed to save time in R&D operations.


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The all stainless CentriPeel centrifuge is a solid bowl type separator designed to save time in R&D operations. It has a capacity of 9 litres per batch and can be operated at up to 400G. This reduces the time taken from hours under gravity settling to just a few minutes. Much higher control over the separation is easily possible with this method.

The feed material is poured into the rotating basket (bowl). The centrifugal force separates the heavier phase (material) and forces it towards the periphery. After a couple of minutes a pitot type discharge tube is manually rotated into the spinning liquid which thereby is drained from the bowl. The first material discharged will be the purified light phase. After this the heavier phase (if liquid) can be drained in the same fashion by continuing the rotation of the tube. Alternatively, with more viscous materials and solids, the machine is stopped and the bowl quickly removed for cleaning.

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